Erica Robbins erobbins2 at ucmerced.edu
Mon Apr 12 12:59:36 PDT 2021

Message forwarded on behalf of UC Merced and UCSF Fresno:

UC Merced and UCSF Fresno are hosting free webinars for students in the San Joaquin Valley interested in health careers on a variety of topics. We have our final webinar of the semester "Why is Geriatrics Fun? The Best Kept Secret in Medicine" by Dr. Dzung Trinh (see below for information).

We'd greatly appreciate if you could please share this flyer and registration link with your members who may be interested in attending.

Date: April 14, 2021
Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM PST

Why is Geriatrics Fun? The Best Kept Secret in Medicine
Dr. Dzung Trinh is one of 10 children; his family emigrated from Saigon, Vietnam, to Caruthers, California, in 1975 at the time of the fall of South Vietnam. Since childhood, he has always wanted to become a doctor and never let any challenges prevent him from pursuing his dream. When he came to the US at the age of 16, his English level was equivalent to that of a 2nd grader, and his family had no money. He picked grapes in the field while going to high school, learning English as he went. With the help of many friends in Caruthers, he achieved his dream of becoming a doctor.

Dr. Trinh completed his undergraduate degree at the University of California, Davis and obtained his MD from the University of California, San Diego. He started his internal medicine residency at UCSF-Fresno and completed it at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He did a 2-year geriatric fellowship at Mayo in Rochester before returning to Fresno to settle down. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and with an additional qualification in Geriatric Medicine.

During this session, Dr. Trinh will illustrate why geriatric medicine is such an amazing field. Many people have preconceived notions about geriatric patients: that they are difficult to deal with, no fun, take too much time, and have too many problems. While this may be true, he has found geriatric medicine to be incredibly rewarding. He loves to hear the stories that people tell about their lives. Geriatric patients, by definition, have lived a long time and have many stories to tell. His approach to taking care of geriatric patients is rooted in these stories and discussions about their daily life, allowing a holistic approach to patient care. Come hear why Dr. Trinh loves taking care of older people and why you should consider a career in geriatrics as well.

Presenter: Dzung Trinh, MD FACP

Click Here to Register<https://sjvpremed.ucsf.edu/webinars>

ROAD Health Careers Webinars | Health Pathways & Education Outreach - Health Pathway Outreach to the San Joaquin Valley | Health Pathways & Education Outreach<https://sjvpremed.ucsf.edu/webinars>
Date: February 4, 2021 Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM PST. Prep Medico Summer Program Informational Session Preparando Estudiantes Para Ser Medicos, or Preparing Students to Be Physicians, ("Prep Médico" for short) is a multi-faceted initiative that will provide scholarships, mentorship and internship opportunities, a residential program, intensive language training, volunteer service ...

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