[UCM LIST: Healthprofadvising-l] [HLTHPROF] Berkeley Optometry - Informational Webinars

Erica Robbins erobbins2 at ucmerced.edu
Tue Oct 16 10:04:17 PDT 2012

Dear Pre-Optometry students,


The Admissions and Student Affairs team at Berkeley Optometry would like to invite pre-optometry students to informational webinars about the profession of optometry and admissions to Berkeley Optometry. 


Our webinars are scheduled as follows:


October 18, 2012 from 3-4:30pm (PDT) - Berkeley Admissions Overview

October 25, 2012 from 3-4:30pm (PDT) - Essay Writing and Etiquette

November 1, 2012 from 3-4:30pm (PDT) -  Interviewing Skills


We encourage all interested students in joining us! 


Here is the link for more information and to register: 


No special software is needed to join webinar sessions.


Please help us spread the word about our Berkeley Optometry webinar sessions, as they will be very helpful to any student considering optometry school!


Thank you!


Best regards,

Kailin Hu

Kailin Hu
Coordinator of Admissions and Student Affairs
UC Berkeley - School of Optometry
Admissions and Student Affairs Office
397 Minor Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
optometry.berkeley.edu <http://optometry.berkeley.edu/> 
Office: (510) 642-9537
Fax: (510) 643-7111




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