[UCM LIST: Healthprofadvising-l] UndocuGrads Conference at UC Merced

Erica Robbins erobbins2 at ucmerced.edu
Thu Jul 9 16:17:48 PDT 2015

You're invited to the 3rd Annual Statewide UndocuGrads Conference: Together We Rise!

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3rd Annual Statewide UndocuGrads Conference: Together We Rise!
August 1, 2015


UC Merced


Register Now<http://tinyurl.com/undocugrads2015>

Dear students, educators, and supporters of undocumented youth,

We would like to invite you to this year's UndocuGrads Conference! At the California Statewide UndocuGrads Conference, attendees will receive helpful information and resources for applying to and navigating through graduate, medical, and law school. All workshops/information will be tailored to undocumented or DACAmented students (students with DACA/work permit). Our conference aims to provide a holistic and in-depth look at what graduate school is like and the importance of our communities having access to higher education. We especially highlight that our voices matter, and we have the power to create the change we want to see in/for our communities. All are welcomed! Our keynote speaker this year will be Denisse Rojas, incoming undocumented medical student to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City!

Here are a few topics we will be covering:
o Applying and preparing for graduate school
o Paying for your graduate school applications and tuition
o Surviving and thriving in graduate school
o and more!
Date: Saturday, August 1st, 2015
Location: Classroom Office Building, UC Merced, Merced CA
Time: 9:00am - 4pm [Check-in opens at 8:15am]
Cost: There is NO cost to attend the conference. We are able to offer overnight housing options for individuals who will arrive night before for $20/person- more information to be sent
Speakers: We have an amazing list of speakers and presenters joining us!

Register NOW at tinyurl.com/undocugrads2015<http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fundocugrads2015&h=nAQF-jkU-&enc=AZMCo58RbLGugh78foIZg0a7Umk4DmPrHlTc-L52FpatPjbMcpPhRfOl0HiaEieId_k&s=1>

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