[UCM LIST: Healthprofadvising-l] Global Health/Be a Medical Student for a Day

Erica Robbins erobbins2 at ucmerced.edu
Fri Feb 10 11:48:05 PST 2012


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Child Family Health International

CFHI is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations.

CFHI is happy to announce the launch of its newest program, Intensive Beginner Spanish and Healthcare in Quito, Ecuador. This unique program is designed for those with little to no Spanish skills and those wanting to focus on improving their Spanish and Medical Spanish while gaining global health exposure in a South American country.

Within the 4-week language-intensive program, participants will take two weeks of Spanish classes and volunteer with local nonprofits. The last two weeks will focus on expanding language skills during clinical rotations and additional Spanish classes. Learn more about the program by clicking here <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=cae0f4ffa0&e=2a0ac669e7> . CFHI programs take rolling applications and are filling fast for summer 2012 so early application is recommended.

CFHI will also be conducting free live Program Information Webinars in March about CFHI opportunities, scholarships, and clinical exposure. To learn more and for info on registering click here <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=301d29039b&e=2a0ac669e7> .

About CFHI
Child Family Health International (CFHI) offers socially responsible Global Health Education Programs for health sciences students of all levels. Through CFHI participants go on 4-16 week internship-style programs alongside local doctors in underserved communities. Participants rotate through clinics and hospitals, take language classes, attend medical lectures, and become immersed in the healthcare system of the community.

Email students at cfhi.org <mailto:students at cfhi.org>  or call 415-957-9000
CFHI's Facebook Page: http://facebook.cfhi.org <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=1c48fa1b6f&e=2a0ac669e7> 
CFHI on Twitter: http://twitter.com/cfhi <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=68edb6d41f&e=2a0ac669e7> 

Be a Medical Student for a Day at the UC Davis School of Medicine

WHEN: Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 8:00am to 3:00pm
WHERE: UC Davis School of Medicine, 4610 X Street, Sacramento, CA 95817 <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=d7ad2bbf42&e=2a0ac669e7> 
COST: $10.00
REGISTER: C <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=2781ea7f00&e=2a0ac669e7> lick Here <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=7cfe0265f0&e=2a0ac669e7> 

You will receive a confirmation e-mail and instructions by Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 8pm. Space is Limited to 45 students [First come, first served] Limit ONLY ONE ticket per customer.

*	Do you want to experience what is like to be a medical student?
*	Do you want to sit in a real medical school class and experience the learning process?
*	Do you want to meet medical students from UC Davis?

Then, attend this all-day event at UC Davis School of Medicine, where you will sit in classes with UC Davis medical students, hear lectures, engage in small group discussions, and hear a lecture on doctoring from the Dean.

This is more than just a one-hour tour of the medical school. It's an experience of being a medical student and getting a picture of what medical school is all about. The entire day will be spent at UC Davis Medical School. You will have the opportunity to talk to the faculty, meet the Dean of Admission, and receive a tour of the school. In addition, we'll be paired with a medical student for the day, have the opportunity to attend classes, and engage in small group discussions with them. 

This is a great opportunity to experience medical school and talk to medical students and faculty.

No substitutions, exchanges or refunds. No trading or selling tickets to others. We expect everyone to behave in a professional manner. We expect you to be pay attention to the class, sit up straight, not sleep, not do homework; don't act bored, or draw attention. If you are unable to follow the above statements, we ask you not to come. We will also ask you to leave the premises if this occurs. We apologize for having to write this, but in the past, people have acted this way on our trips, and we have not been invited back.

Dress Code
We expect you to dress appropriately and professionally. You do not need to wear a suit, but we ask you to wear something appropriate and professional. No T-shirts, jeans, or clothes with holes in them. You are guests at the medical school, and the way you dress will show how much you appreciate the hospitality of students and faculty there. EXAMPLE -- Men: Slacks (no jeans), button up shirt, shoes (no sandals).Women: Slacks or Skirt, shirt, blouse, and shoes (no sandals).

This opportunity is only open to any pre-med student that is 18 years of age or older.

Please email president at amsaarc.org <mailto:president at amsaarc.org> . 


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Bid for the Kaplan MCAT Complete Test Prep Package!


This auction is for a complete Kaplan Preparation Package. This includes: Kaplan MCAT Advantage Onsite Preparation Course (valued $2,199), Kaplan Verbal Edge Online (valued $499), Kaplan Complete Science Review Online (valued $499).

Bid Now! <http://amsaarcucd.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c601a314b955db590d73fbfa0&id=f44ca74c8b&e=2a0ac669e7> 

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Copyright C 2012 AMSA ARC/UCD, All rights reserved. 
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615 Response Drive

Davis, CA 95616

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