[UCM LIST: Healthprofadvising-l] FW: [HLTHPROF] David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA summer academic enrichment programs

Erica Robbins erobbins2 at ucmerced.edu
Wed Feb 9 14:40:43 PST 2011



The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is currently accepting applications for the following summer academic enrichment programs:

.         Premedical/Predental Enrichment Program (PREP) 

.         Summer Medical Dental Education Program (SMDEP) and 

.         ReApplication Post baccalaureate Program (RAP).  


PREP is a seven week summer academic enrichment program that targets students from disadvantaged/underrepresented backgrounds.  Students are exposed to the rigors of academic medicine and dentistry.  Included are preceptor ships with physicians in clinical and research settings.  The program is enhanced by students being mentored in intimate, structured cluster groups by trained teaching assistants; accomplished medical students. The program is free, however housing is not provided.  As stipend is given to students for living expenses.   The postmark deadline for submission of all required material is March 1, 2011. Applications and further program information are available at:



SMDEP is a six-week summer academic enrichment program that targets educationally and financially disadvantaged freshman and sophomore college students by providing intensive and personalized medical and dental school preparation.   This national program is funded through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  The program is free.  Provided are on campus housing and some meals.   Deadline for applying is March 1, 2011. Application and further information can be found at the following websites:

www.smdep.org <http://www.smdep.org>          

http://www.medsch.ucla.edu/smdep/ <http://www.medsch.ucla.edu/smdep/> 

uclasmdep at mednet.ucla.edu <mailto:uclasmdep at mednet.ucla.edu>  


RAP is post baccalaureate program that is designed to assist students who meet all the following criteria:  are California residents,  from disadvantaged and or/underserved backgrounds, committed to practicing in underserved communities in California, and who applied but were unsuccessful in gaining admissions to any U.S. medical school. The eleven-month program is conducted in two sessions, summer and academic year.  The priority deadline for applying is May, 6, 2011.   Final deadline May 13, 2011.  Application and further information can be found at the following websites:

https://meded-postbac.ucsd.edu <https://meded-postbac.ucsd.edu/>  


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