[Analyst_community_of_practice] important updates to Qualtrics reporting tools

Cinnamon Danube cdanube at ucmerced.edu
Mon Dec 11 14:53:05 PST 2017

Good afternoon, Analyst Community of Practice colleagues,

I discovered today that Qualtrics made a change to their Reporting
functionality that required me to make some minor modifications to the
Qualtrics reporting documentation that was shared at our last Analyst
Community of Practice Meeting.  Rest assured that all older reports are
still working, Qualtrics has just changed how they are accessed.  I've
updated the documentation at the hyperlink that was previously shared
(here: https://ucmerced.box.com/s/ewrbfke3my2la5zwabbjphg2ztbp6cta).
Please make sure you refer to this latest version if you're using an IRDS
report and have questions.  Our team will begin to explore the new
Reporting tool and make additional modifications to our processes if

Please do let me know if you have questions, and my apologies for any
inconvenience or confusion this change may cause.  Qualtrics updates can
create some issues with our established reporting processes and
documentation.  We appreciate your patience and understanding.


Cinnamon L. Danube, PhD
Principal Analyst
Institutional Research and Decision Support
University of California, Merced
5200 North Lake Road
Merced, CA  95343
Office phone: 209.228.6982
Email: cdanube at ucmerced.edu
irds.ucmerced.edu <http://ipa.ucmerced.edu>
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